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Alyssa Welch

         My full name is Alyssa Nicole Welch, I'm 18 years old and I am a Freshman at William Peace University. I am daughter to John and Stefanie and litter sister to Trevor. My Mom is a local North Carolinian and just recently in the past 5 years, works as a nurse in the operating room a hospitals such as Duke, Chapel Hill, and Womack Army Hospital but was previously a flight attendant for Delta and American Airlines for 20+ years. My Dad is from Croatia and was in the United States Special Forces and is now retired.

         I began my childhood in Stuttgart, Germany and attended a German emersion school but in the 3rd grade I moved to North Carolina. Growing up, my family was always traveling. When we lived in Germany we would take every opportunity to go explore. Ive been to Disneyland in France, skied in Austria and Switzerland and to Holland for my Dad's soccer games. My best friend, who I met in Kindergarten in Germany, is from Poland and last year we stayed with her grandma for the summer and toured the whole country from the Baltic Sea, the urban cities Warsawa and Krakowa, to the mountains in Zakopanna.

         I chose to come to WPU to play volleyball (go pacers!) but also because we have the global studies program which is what I was really looking for. When I graduate I hope to work in an Embassy or possibly for NATO. I am actually traveling to Brussels, Belgium, this spring break to go to NATO and maybe get a guided tour!

         I hope, through looking at my website, you can get to know me better and what my ideal happiness looks like!

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